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What we know is a drop and what we ignore is an ocean!

Em uma manhã de sábado, 08:30 horas, 3º andar do Barra Shopping, Rio de Janeiro – Centro Médico.  Estacionamento, manobrista, entrada exclusiva, mapa de localização, corredores identificados por cor (branca, azul, verde) – coincidência ou não, as cores mais encontradas na natureza.

Color echo-doppler examination of the lower limbs. I was informed that the doctor was late. I started to observe the movements of the environment: reception, support teams (attendants and cleaning assistant), kids space, coffee space, entertainment (television, magazines, newspapers).

I went out a little to distract the time or myself. In the corridors of the Medical Center, full, crowded restaurants and cafes, it looked like a party. Children, youth, adults, many seniors. Possibly they went for tests and were there enjoying the time.

Finally, I went to take the exam. The echo-doppler equipment was branded by GE – portable, built on an excellent data platform, with recording, archiving and image management. GE is not just light bulbs and electrical appliances. GE is aviation (parts and maintenance service), energy, health care, water and effluent treatment, oil and gas (services for repairs of drilling system and subsea production) and also transportation (production of locomotives and equipment) .

Transporting the above facts to the world of organizations, it is possible to see the world of today, now in 2017 in this way: Globalized businesses, transversally connected and that reinvent themselves through integrated teams – true teams of winners. Solutions and services as the basis of the companies' portfolio. Products developed with the concept of connectivity and mobility and the most sophisticated in information technology. Entertainment as added value considering the demands of all stakeholders. And above all increasing profits.

It is Isaac Newton, his famous phrase will be eternal: what we know is a drop what we ignore is an ocean!  Is the speed of reinvention in your company stupendous?

If not, change course! And if that's the case, take advantage and change the branch, too, including.

Leaders, enjoy and observe more, do more studies on the functioning of your company.

Note: this article does not address the social and health issue of a country called Brazil.

Tereza Soares

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