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Start 🇧🇷 Is your company's Management System more than 10 years old?

Is your company's Management System more than 10 years old?

I have been following the evolution of company management and I would like to share with you some considerations about the impacts when a Management System has been in place for more than 10 years. Come on?

Since 1994, I started my trajectory of designing Management Models and Integrated Management Systems, based on the requirements of international standards, customer requirements, regulatory requirements and implementing these systems and following the evolution.

NBR ISO 9000:2015 defines a management system as a “set of interrelated or interactive elements of an organization to establish policies, objectives and processes to achieve these objectives” and that “a management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines, eg quality management, financial management, environmental management, asset management.

It turns out that a large number of companies began to structure an Integrated Management System, with the acronym SGI or Integrated Management System (SIG), which in fact does not matter SGI or GIS, incorporating several disciplines into a single System.

I'll hit the key…After 10 years, an Integrated Management System has gone through several organizational and structural changes, technological changes, changes in people, many internal and external audits, action plans, critical analyses. Each of these events promoted specific changes in the structure of the Integrated Management System initially implemented, without necessarily having carried out a global analysis.

With that, I have some tips for companies that have, mainly, Integrated Management System for more than 10 years…look at the 10 years appearing again.

Combat the “patchwork” effect: The requirements and how they are met are being included in the Integrated Management System without a systemic and holistic analysis;
Manage the issue of "Gabriela's syndrome": I was born like this, I grew up like this, I will always be like this... People resist excluding from the Integrated Management System, that routine that she implemented, that excel spreadsheet, even though they already have a system computerized;
Also avoid the “plug-in” operation: this operation takes place right after an internal or external audit/assessment, when the company “runs” to deal with non-conformities and deviations and not to improve the Integrated Management System;
Avoid “old jargon”: some team members say “I was working, now I'm going to do the things that management systems asked for”. There is no such thing, it must be clarified that working is to meet the requirements of the Integrated Management System.

I won't linger any longer, the above tips and a great willingness of all the teams, headed by the leaders, to make a global critical analysis of the Integrated Management System will avoid the excess of procedures, internal controls, monitoring and performance indicators, increasing thus the satisfaction of the teams, productivity and the improvement of business results. Also remembering that the Strategic Drivers and strategies are an integral part of the Management Model.

Tereza Soares
CEO Group I can

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