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Management and Anti-Corruption Policy

Organizational chart review A, 08.26.2021

The I Can Group operating in Brazil in the recruitment and selection of people,
development of projects and business consulting, in the provision of these services,
a Management Policy (Quality, Safety, Environment, Health, Responsibility
and Anti-Corruption), with the following focuses:


• Our team understands that customers are our reason for existing;

• We are committed to exceeding customer expectations, far beyond what has been
agreed in contract;

• We practice prices below the market;

• We preserve information and data security; • We strictly comply with delivery deadlines;

• We work to improve processes, the system and management and in the relationship with
interested parts;

• We issue a Certificate of Technical Responsibility for the work carried out and
we apply the relevant laws;

• We guarantee technical assistance in accordance with the contract with the customer;

• We promote a risk mindset, aiming at the implementation of prevention actions
of potential anomalies and their effects.

Safety, Environment and Health:

• We are committed to protecting the environment and preventing pollution,
valuing positive practices of resource sustainability and protection of
biodiversity and ecosystems;

• We systematize initiatives to control the possible environmental impacts of our
administrative activities;

• We comply with Customer and Supplier Management Policies when our team
is operating in its facilities;

• We care about accident prevention and people's health, offering
awareness programs, training, providing necessary resources for the
employee health and safety;

• We meet legal requirements and other requirements related to aspects
environmental and health and safety hazards.

Social responsability:

• We are committed to complying with customer policies and terms of responsibility and
suppliers and other stakeholders related to social responsibility;

• We are committed to contributing to the fulfillment of the 10 principles of the Pact
Global, namely:

  1. Companies must support and respect the protection of recognized human rights
  2. Ensure your non-participation in violations of these rights;
  3. Companies must support freedom of association and effective recognition of the
    right to collective bargaining;
  4. The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour;
  5. The effective abolition of child labor;
  6. Eliminate discrimination in employment;
  7. Companies must support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  8. Develop initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
  9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies;
  10. Companies must fight corruption in all its forms, including extortion
    and kickback.


It's forbidden:

• Offer, give or receive gifts, gifts, hospitality, undue advantage, any type of payment,
benefit or kickback to any interested party (including governmental or foreign authority), to
obtain or retain business or any business advantage;

• Proven to finance, fund or sponsor or in any way subsidize the practice of acts
illicit acts, including in public bidding procedures and contracts or using an intermediary, an individual or
legal to hide or disguise their real interests or the identity of the beneficiaries of the acts performed;

• Frustrate, defraud, impede, disrupt public bidding process or contract;

• To hinder the investigation or inspection activity of public bodies, entities or agents, or to intervene in their
activities, including within the scope of regulatory agencies and supervisory bodies of the financial system

It's allowed:

• Receive courtesy from customers, suppliers and other interested parties, such as: coffee, juice, lunch,
dinner, provided it is never on a regular and permanent basis.

• Make a donation and/or contribution to charities, social programs or political parties from
when approved by senior management and in accordance with legislation.

We will keep:

• Communication channels that make it possible to send complaints – contato@grupoican.com.br and telephone numbers on the website
of the company www.grupoican.com.br;

• HR Management Policy, Code of Ethical Conduct and disciplinary procedures and Security Policy of
Information and Data Protection applied to our employees and stakeholders;

• Monitoring of processes and appropriate due diligence with interested parties.

Approval and disclosure of the Policy:

• This policy was approved during an extraordinary meeting of senior management on the day

• Company website www.grupoican.com.br;

• For newly hired employees during the Atmosphere Lecture;

• For interested parties when holding meetings, events.

Reference or complementary documents:

• Law No. 12,846/2013 - Anti-Corruption Law

• Decree 8,420/2015 – Decree regulates Anti-corruption Law

• Law No. 13,709/2018 - LGPD

• Group I can HR Policy

• Information Security and Data Protection Policy

• Group I can SGI Manual

• Group I can Financial and Administrative Manual

• Group I can – PG 21 Nonconforming Product Control, Corrective Action

• Group I can - PG 22 - Audits

Together we can do more!

Tereza Soares
Knowledge accumulated since 1940.
A company founded in 2014.